NV Rapid Weight Loss and Beauty Pill

The overcrowded diet pill market has many products within its genre that do that more than just help to aid weight loss. The NV Rapid Weight Loss and Beauty Pill is just one in a long list of dual purpose diet pills.

The marketing people behind the advertising have done clever job in firstly employing the services of a face and body, Carmen Electra to be precise. The actress, singer and model does not seem as though she is in need of much help in the weight loss or beauty department but nevertheless it is easier to promote a weight loss pill with evidence of success.

The packaging of this diet pill is rather confusing – bright pillar box red as opposed to the normal pharmaceutical type packaging. It is more inline with a perfume products than one for weight loss.

Marketing aside, the important question is Does the NV Rapid Weight Loss Pill Work?

The formula consists of three modules; weight loss, energy compound and a beauty complex. So a three in one pill if you like.

The weight loss part does not appear to contain enough of the active ingredients needed to help with weight loss and dieting. The stated 267 mg combining Hoodia Gordonii extract, green tea extract and Theobromide should be more concentrated – but then how would they squeeze in the energizer and beautifier?

The energizer part contains ginseng, adaptogens and rhodeola rosea – when combined forms a tried a tested pick me up and can increase energy and mental awareness.

Lastly, the complex aimed at improving beauty contains collagen, alpha lipoic acid and silca with a bit of Q10 thrown in for good measure. A combination of these substances has been wheeled out for years and sold as the answer to every womens prayers as a way of holding back the effects of time on the skin.

As with most of these dual purpose weight loss pills (or tri purpose in this case) it tries to compete in too many markets rather than concentrate on just dieters. Although people in need of a weight loss solution would be partial to an added bonus of added energy and extra beauty I am certain that the major reason for buying the diet pill is for its weight loss benefits, which sadly this diet pill does not deliver.

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